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Educational programmes

Educational programmes are organised for groups of schoolchildren and adults of all ages. They offer a chance to learn more about old Samogitian crafts, children's games and traditions. You can see rare exhibits and try out forgotten work processes for yourself.

To book an educational tour, please call 8 601 92 417 during the opening hours of the Samogitian Village Museum.

Educational activities at the Samogitian Village Museum (Malūno g. 5, Telšiai)

Participants range in age from Grade 3 to curious seniors.

This is a lively educational activity.

Have you been solving riddles for a long time? Are you sure you know the names of old household items, agricultural implements or can correctly name the colour of a horse's hair? We offer you the chance to try your hand at a lively and active education in the authentic territory of the Samogitian Village Museum. Teams of participants work out riddles and find exhibits, and complete various tasks according to the exhibition plan and tasks provided.

The educational activity is ideal for children's birthdays, family celebrations and get-togethers, and is also useful as an element of students' non-formal education.


Participants' ages: preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults.

Children will learn about the circle of life and work of the ancients, about household items, their purpose, the elements of decoration and symbolism. They will draw ancient objects, make ornaments and understand the importance of ecology.

Duration: 45 min.


Participants' ages: preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults.

Inspecting the flax plants and the tools used to process the flax. Yarn is spun in a circle, spun on a hoop and chased into balls. Playing a game with a ball. Weaving friendship ribbons with pebbles.

Duration: 45 min.

The lesson will be led by Salomėja Udovičienė, Senior Museum Curator.

The education is conducted in English and Russian.


Age: 8 years and older.

Aim: to develop participants' creative imagination and artistic self-expression. To get acquainted with the glass and crystal exhibits of the Samogitian manor heritage and the townspeople's everyday life. To get to know and like glass as a creative tool.

Learn about and try out modern glass decoration techniques. The participant creates an artwork from glass.

Duration: 1 hour

The class is led by glass artist and educator Vygandas Paulauskas.



Participants' ages: preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults.

Aim: to stimulate interest in the nature around us, to identify the medicinal plants growing in the Samogitian village exposition

Short description of the activity: introduction to medicinal plants in the Žemaitija village exposition nursery. The plants are collected. The plants are used to make herbariums, postcards or a basket made of herbs (optional). Tea is made from the collected bouquet of herbs.

Duration: 45 min.

Participants' ages: pre-school (5-6 years old) and 1-4 years old.

Aim: to enable children to get to know the fish and plants of Samogitian lakes, to observe the world of water live in nature, to teach tolerance, to develop creativity.

Brief description of the activity: while listening to the story "Water Lily", you will learn how the most beautiful water flower came to be and what happened to the evil rope, you will get acquainted with fish and learn how to distinguish between them, you will observe the surface of the pond water and you will see fish swimming and lilies blooming, thus vividly connecting the characters of the story with their real-life images. You will learn how to make a lily out of paper.

The educational session is held outdoors in the Samogitian Village Museum, in bad weather - in the educational classroom.

A group of children or a family (5 members or more) that has participated in the educational session will receive a gift of the book "Ežerėlio pasakos" (Tales of Ežerėlis) published by the Museum by A. Kazragis.

Duration: 45 min.


Participants' age: students in grades 1-6.

Description of the education: pupils are introduced to the lighting instruments preserved in the museum: balans, various lanterns, spings.

Children will be taught how to make a saddle and a wax candle, read by their light, and try a spinning wheel.

Duration: 45 min.


Participants' ages: preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults

Objective: to learn about the old traditions and customs of the Advent period, Christmas Eve dishes, spells and home decoration. To learn how to make some archaic Christmas Eve dishes.

Brief description of the activity: an overview of the old Advent traditions and customs. The meaning of Christmas Eve, the significance of the dishes and the way they are prepared. An improvised Christmas Eve dinner is prepared, a spell is cast, wax is poured and the future is predicted. Make a real wax candle.

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Age of participants: young people.

Aim: to learn about the old customs of the hen party, to discuss the customs of courtship, engagement, wedding eve and the purpose of the dowry.

Theoretical part: the customs of courtship, betrothal, maiden/bachelore party, wedding eve and the purpose of dowry are discussed.

Practical part:

Maiden's Eve: after gathering the flowers from the fields, the wreaths are woven for the maiden party. The bride-to-be's hair is combed and a wreath is placed. Songs are sung. Weaving the 'dowry' with the loom, braiding the bands.

St. Bern's Eve: farm work is tested: cutting grass with a scythe, chopping firewood, moving livestock. Games: 'kerepėžas', walking with walking sticks, pulling a cart.

A horse-drawn carriage is available where possible.

Duration: 1 hour.

Participants' ages: schoolchildren, adults.

The class is organised in April. Participants are introduced to the traditions of Midsummer. This is followed by practical sessions. Pupils observe horses being turned out into the field. Beforehand, they slip a horseshoe under the doorstep. Girls sowing roses in the garden. Afterwards, everyone fries eggs, enjoys a feast and plays games.

Duration: 1 hour